Wednesday, December 12, 2012


When I imagine writing about this city I see it in darkness; the still early, cool, crisp morningtime. I see a girl- very much like myself- sitting on the edge of a bus stop, perched off of one side as if by touching as little as possible her presence there would immediately be erased as she left. The cars downtown would not let up. She would want to be alone in actuality because she would feel alone, but the continuous presence of cars would tease her with the knowledge that even this desire appears impossible. The seat, warm and inviting for daytime passengers, would be very much cold and uncomfortable.
She would carry a bag with many buckles, in a subconscious attempt to keep the world out of everything that belongs to her. She would possess a strange beauty,though at first glance she would appear very plain and ordinary. Not ugly, just less than fantastic.
On second glance the viewer would fall in love, because a deeper and unconventional feeling emanating from her would overwhelm. She would not talk. She would read a book, but look up very often- every two lines or so- to see if the bus could be seen on the busy horizon. This would reveal the anxiety she tried to keep hidden. She would pay her bus fare in quarters, letting each one drop in and waiting for the "klink" to proceed and no one would complain.

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