Monday, January 14, 2013

random morning musings

there: a bird trapped in the sewer, wings beating against the cieling in that dark wet place, while the city rumbles along overhead
sewer grate like trap door, and we have fallen through. run my fingers over cracked, chapped lips to remember what has been lost

how is it that the earth could open up under you and swallow you whole, close above you as if you never were, like persephone snatched by god...blame it, as with all things mortal, on gravity. in the end- for better, for worse- it's nature. what goes up will come down

the nearest i'd come to feeling god was the plain blue cloudless sky and a certain silence
walk in harmony within the universe by being aware of you who you are 
i have crossed a frontier in my sleep and no one has awakened me up to stamp my passport

i followed him through the window stunned by the realization that i would have done so balcony or none
that is because i am not much of anything besides bored and boring punctuated by fits of scant self-amusement
perhaps i am an ambassador, a liaison between the past and the future
thrilled and terrified

she knew she would move on and on again because were she to die here they would cover her up with a stone, and in the mind of a woman for whom no place is home the thought of an end to all flight is unbearable
loves are like empires: when the idea they are founded upon crumbles, they too fade away

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